The Cartoon Crisis Continues
I see that at least one American paper did print some of the cartoons at issue: the venerable Philadelphia Inquirer. 2 dozen Muslims protested but it seems they were quite a bit better behaved then their fellow Muslims abroad. No buildings were burned. Protesting and boycotting is a perfectly legitimate way to protest something you don't like. What's offensive about so much of the worldwide Muslim movement against free speech is that they are advocating government censorship and lynch mob violence. Some Islamists have responded with their own cartoon depicting Hitler in bed with Anne Frank. Responding with their own offensive cartoons is a big improvement over arson and threatened murder and terrorism. I don't think they'll get much response to it because it's obviously just an attempt to be offensive for the sake of being offensive. The Danish cartoons cut deeper because there is an element of truth to them. The violent riots only prove this. Showing Muhammed as a terrorist is an accurate depiction of some elements in Islam. It's certainly not true of all Muslims but no other religion seems to have such an alarming tendency to blow things up and torch embassies.