Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Uncle Tom's Corrolla

Harold Meyerson compares the contrast UAW-dominated US auto industry and the union-free foreign auto manufacturers whose factories are mostly in the South to the difference between the Civil War era North and South. So, in another words, the successful auto factories are no better than the old plantations which were supported by slave labor. Of course, it's the domestic manufacturers that are on death's door. There's just no way that the labor contracts negotiated by the UAW can ever lead to profitable companies in today's global economy. Demonizing an economic model that actually works and could lead to a revival of American manufacturing is not the best way to recovery.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hitchens and Warren

It's hard to believe that Christopher Hitchens really has any particular objection to Rick Warren giving an invocation for the Obama Inauguration, rather than a general objection to the whole idea of an invocation. He attacks Warren as a bigot who thinks Jews and Mormons won't be saved and who looks forward to the apocalypse. But are not his attacks on Warren true of anyone who is a sincere Christian? Obviously Hitchens doesn't believe in any religion and would prefer not to have any religious invocation at all. Most Christians believe that you have to accept Jesus Christ as your savior in order to be saved. Are you really a bigot if you think Jews will not be saved unless they accept Christ? It is likely that these beliefs are completely unfounded but I don't know that I would call them bigoted. Every religion has some condition for eternal salvation. Would Hitchens prefer a hypocrite who is doesn't say anything offensive? At least Warren is sincere in his faith, even if neither Hitchens nor I share it. And he offers a nice target for Hitchen's anti-religious attacks.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Illinois Politics and "Change"

The scandal involved Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich may not effect President-Elect Obama directly but it sure is not a great way to start an administration. It is his seat that was being sold to the highest bidder in his state. In addition, Tony Rezko is about to be sentenced. Are these omens of a scandal-ridden Obama adminstration? Certainly, his appointments so far offer clear proof, if any were needed, that all his talk of "change" was complete BS. Keeping Gates at Defense, appointing Geithner at Treasury and Clinton at state is not exactly radical change. It's a continuation of the past two administrations. That's somewhat of a relief, since any "change" would probably mean left-wing change. However, the policies of the past few administrations have led us into ever deepening debt. Certainly the Bushes and Clinton did little to address the long term debt, mainly related to Social Security and Medicare, that threatens our future solvency. They led us into one bubble after another and it looks like its time to pay the piper.