Monday, October 15, 2007

Good News from WaPo

How bout some optimism? I noted two good news stories in todays Washington Post. First, it looks like the surge in Iraq is showing some success - Al-Qaeda in Iraq Reported Crippled. Then I saw Cancer Rates Dropping Fast. Not everything is doom and gloom. Let's hear it for victory in Iraq and improved health in America!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Students Against Ahmadinejad

It was encouraging to students protest against President Ahmadinejad in Tehran recently. I thought that the stories about these protests showed that allowing him to speak at Columbia was the right thing to do. In one article, a student was quoted as asking, "Why only Columbia? We have questions too." Although the mullahs have tried to use the speech at Columbia for their own propanganda purposes, it has served to subtly undermined the regime. Students naturally ask why shouldn't they have the same freedom as American students to question their leaders.