Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We're just Fat Slobs

Here's an interesting take on health care: what if US health care is the best in the world and is only more expensive and Americans are sicker because we're basically a nation of fat slobs. The article points out that Americans for many years smoked more than other nations and we're more obese. So, under any system of health care, we would have massive problems. Perhaps given the lifestyle choices of Americans, our system is performing better than any other would. So, if the problem isn't the health care system but our bad diet and lack of exercise, don't we risk screwing things up for no reason?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I think it's outrageous that the House would take time to censor Joe Wilson for being rude while doing nothing about the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Charles Rangel, who apparently hid hundreds of thousands of dollars from the IRS. Tax evasion is a serious felony that would get an average citizen in a lot of legal trouble while rudeness is not. In addition, I have to say I'm baffled by all these liberals who say Wilson was treating Obama as illegitimate. How is accusing the President of being a liar the same thing as saying he is not legitimately the President? Based on the last few administrations, lying seems to be a standard Presidential duty.


Friday, September 11, 2009

The Heckle

There's a lot of overreaction to Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech. People are becoming overly prissy and sensitive about things like that. In a vibrant democracy that values free speech and open debate, you have to expect this kind of thing even if it violates rules of decorum. We aren't supposed to bow and scrape before the president as if he were a monarch. In the UK, members in the House of Commons frequently heckle the Prime Minister. If we are supposed to be the land of the free, we should be a bit more thick skinned and not be so outraged when someone uses their freedom of speech in a way we don't like.

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