Friday, February 03, 2006

Uncle Sam's Pathetic Response

The US Government's response to the cartoon situation has been pathetic. They call the cartoons offensive but say nothing about the threats of violence by the Muslim protestors. Isn't America the home of the First Amendment? Even more distressing is the absence of any American paper publishing the cartoons. U.S. newspapers have much less to fear since American Muslims are more moderate and freedom of the press is protected by the Constitution unlike many European countries where there are laws against speech that offends religion. Yet, papers in France, Spain, Italy, Denmark and Norway are showing much more courage and a stronger belief in free speech. The savages are showing what they think of freedom in pictures that Michelle Malkin has put on her site. They are lucky to be in a country that gives the freedom to display such offensive signs. You can bet that a country ruled by the Islamists would not be so tolerant.


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