Tookie Williams
Reading the arguments in favor and <a against clemency for convicted murderer and gang leader Tookie Williams, I am not persuaded that his life should be spared. He brutally murdered four unarmed, helpless people and showed no conscience or remorse for it. Then, he planned an escape from prison which involved killing guards and murdering his own accomplice. He founded the crips, one of the most deadly and notorious gangs in the world, in 1971. While in prison, he was involved in a number of fights and attacks on guards. Although in the last decade or so his behavior has improved and he has written books to encourage kids to stay away from the gang lifestyle, the key fact is that he has refused to cooperate with law enforcement and have a debriefing with the police on gang activity. He says that to do so would make him a snitch, which is the lowest form of life among gang members. The fact that he still has this belief shows that he has not in fact abandoned the gang mentality. His refusal to cooperate should be the determining factor in denying his appeal for clemency. I would even offer him the opportunity for clemency in exchange for a debriefing. To do so would force him to become a snitch in exchange for his life. It would deglamorize him among any gang member wanna-bes and would show that criminals who agree to help the police can save their lives.
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