Thursday, November 17, 2005

Was the entire Democratic Party Brainwashed?

The Democrats are completed focused on accusing the President of misleading them. As others have noted, this is reminiscent of George Romney, GOP Governor of Michigan, claiming in 1968 that he had been brainwashed by the Pentagon to support the war in Vietnam. Romney's candidacy imploded soon afterward. Now, it's an entire party that's taking the same line, probably with the same results. Personally I think the Democratic line here only shows themselves to be dupes, fools and cowards.

I think that Bush will be in strong shape in 2006. Larry Kudlow is on the mark when he says that Bush's support is bottoming right now. It's going to get better from here. The economy is strong, the Fed is going to stop raising rates soon and the price of oil is dropping. We'll probably start withdrawing troops next year from Iraq. George W has a tendency to peak at the right time, such as the mid-term elections in 2002, the re-election in 2004 and I think he'll do the same in 2006.


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