Wednesday, September 23, 2015

State Department confirms that Hillary is a Liar

The Washington Post reports that according to the State Department, the request for Hilary's emails "was prompted entirely by the discovery that Clinton had exclusively used a private e-mail system. Hillary keeps saying that her use of a private server was "allowed" and "above board". If the State Department "allowed" her to use her own server, why did they have to "discover" its existence?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Hillary's Campaign

It's been fun watch all of the negative press surrounding Hilary, her e-mail server and her sagging poll numbers, but it's still a strong possibility she could be elected. There doesn't seem to be a serious Democratic alternative - Joe Biden and Bernie Saunders are in their 70s and it is hard to imagine them beating her. Who knows what will happen on the Republican side. Everything about Hilary Clinton's career suggests she would be a disaster as president. The one substantive thing she did as first lady was a fiasco and her management of the state department was also pathetic. So, I'm still pessimistic about the future.