Monday, February 16, 2015

Scott Walker's Education

Glenn Reynolds highlights one of the best things about Scott Walker: his lack of a college degree. I would love to see a President without one of those super expensive pieces of paper from an Ivy League "school". It's ridiculous to think that the absence of a degree means someone can't be a great leader. In the tech world, obviously, we have a lot of examples of people who made the right decision to leave college and concentrate on their businesses: billionaires like Gates, Jobs and Zuckerberg. One of the more ridiculous statements about Walker's lack of degree was made by Howard dean who called him "unknowledgeable." In face, Walker spent three years in college. The lack of a final year and the "official" diploma says nothing about his knowledge or intelligence. Obviously people who leave college early to embark on successful careers are often smarter than the suckers who stay for four or more years and end up unemployed or underemployed with thousands of dollars in student loan debt.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Obama, Islam and Christianity

President Obama recently said we shouldn't get on our high horse and condemn Islam for violence because of things like the Crusades, the Inquisition and other evils that Christians supposedly commited in the name of their religion. Many critics have reacted harshly to his interpretation of history. But, even accepting, arguendo, his premise, the most obvious conclusion is that Islam is a primitive and savage religion that is centuries behind Christianity. Why hasn't it "evolved" over the past centuries? That's the obvious question that is raised by the President's comments.