Sunday, August 22, 2010

The N Word

Kathleen Park discusses Dr Laura and her use of the "N-Word". Personally I think it's silly to make a big deal of someone actually using the word instead of saying "n-word" when you are engaged in a discussion about racial epithets. It's like there's something magical about certain sounds. It's like the characters in the Harry Potter books who won't say Voldemort's name. I don't think white people should use the word in actual conversation to address other people, even if some black people do. There may be some whites who are comfortable enough with their black friends to use it without offense but I wouldn't ever do that, particularly because I don't think my black friends would ever use the word among themselves.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Krugman: Spend spend spend

Paul Krugman once again urges more spending and predicts calamity if we don't. He has a point that neglecting our roads, our schools, and other infrastructure could have a negative impact. However, in his column, he never talks about why states and local governments are so cash strapped. He says that waste and fraud were never as great as right wingers claims but he doesn't mention the huge pension liabilities that so many states face. How many schools have to cut back because they have to pay huge pensions to retired teachers? The Market Ticker discusses the out of control spending by many schools. Does buying Nintendo Wiis and big screen TVs really improve education?
