Election Day
Today I voted. I got to the polls a little after 6 am. There was a long winding line outside the high school which served as my polling place. It took about an hour and a half to get through the process. It would have been shorter if I hadn't been with my wife and mother-in-law. We each have different first names so we got put in different lines. Mine was fastest so I had to wait a half-hour for them to finish. I sensed a pretty good crowd for McCain. Of course, if he can't win Loudoun County he has no chance to win tonight. I voted for Bob Barr. It was the first time I took the plunge and voted for a Libertarian and didn't vote for a Republican for president. I just couldn't forgive McCain for McCain-Feingold or his support for the financial bailout and his further proposal to bail out individual homeowners. The only way for Republicans to get their bearings again is to go into opposition.