Friday, January 07, 2011

Health Care Costs

Ezra Klein claims that repealing health care reform would cost hundreds of billions of dollars and cites CBO studies which have shown that the reform law will save money over 10 years. I find this totally unconvincing. By contrast David Brooks points to how things have actually started out for the new law. The number of people signing up for high risk pools have been far lower than projected. Cost projections have been way off. Some claim it could cost twice as much as originally thought. Many employers have decided it's too expensive to offer health insurance under the new law. Big companies like McDonalds have gotten waivers so they can be exempt from the new regulations. So, citing some studies by the CBO which doesn't have a good track record of predictions and has to accept assumptions that are unrealistic is far less convincing than pointing to the mounting evidence that the plan won't work and will end up costing a fortune.


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