Nice Job Greta
I'm not a big Greta van Susteren fan but she does a great job exposing how sleazy and contemptible Gloria Allred is. Allred is probably the most obnoxious and annoying person in the world so I feel an overwhelming need to side with whomever she is attacking. Greta though points out in detail just how disgusting and sleazy she is being. What's probably worst about the California October surprise is that Allred is exposing her client as a criminal, not only for being in the country illegally but also engaging in social security fraud. Her desire to derail the Whitman campaign is so great that she is exposing her client to great legal jeopardy. Isn't this total legal malpractice? Doesn't she have a duty to zealously represent her client's interest, not to use her client as way to hurt a political candidate? She should be disbarred for this disgraceful stunt. It is clear that Allred and the Brown campaign are the ones who are exploiting an Hispanic woman, not Whitman. Whitman gave this woman a good job for a number of years but the democrats are cynically using her to advance their interests without caring what impact it might have on her.
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