Constitutional Common Sense
Jonah Goldberg has a good column pointing out the absurdity of some liberal's criticism of tea party candidate Christine O'Donnell. O'Donnell had made the common sense statement that one of her criteria for voting for a piece of legislation is whether it is constitutional. Several liberal writers have incredibly criticized this approach, claiming that it is an encroachment on the judiciary. Obviously Congress and the White House should consider if their action are authorized by the Constitution. Early presidents such as Washington and Jefferson frequently agonized over actions they thought might violate the Constitution. Nowhere does it say that only the Courts should care about the Constitution. In fact, such a federal court can only consider a case or controversy and often declines to get involved in political questions, there are many blatantly unconstitutional things that Congress could do which may never be overturned or considered by the courts. People like Dahlia Lithwick and Ben Adler show their total ignorance of law and history by their comments. In this case the supposed dumb tea party candidate O'Donnell is more informed than these supposedly educated pundits.
Labels: Constitution Tea Party O'Donnell
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