Maybe We Should Listen to This Guy
The New York Times is reporting on the Obama Administration's rejection of Paul Volcker's advice to go back to something like the Glass-Steagall separation of normal banking and investment banking. Volcker is the guy who ended the out-of-control inflation of the late 1970s. I think he knows what he's talking about. What happened last year to the economy is the result of an out-of-control financial sector taking outrageous risks. Putting a firewall between the inherently speculative area of investment banking and everyday banking that we all depend upon seems extremely sensible to me. Why is Obama listening? Perhaps it's because both parties are controlled by Wall Street and the financial industry. It was Clinton was signed the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999. Volcker was appointed by Carter but worked with Reagan to usher in the prosperity of the 1980s. He's the guy I would trust.
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