Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Specter switches

Arlen Specter is really a disgrace. While it's true he probably belongs in the Democratic party, to change parties at this point in career to hold on to his seat is pathetic. If he had any decency he would retire. Why does he want to stay in the Senate forever? Does he have some kind of weird desire to die on the Senate floor? He's going to be 80 next year. Doesn't he have anything better to do with his life? Why not retire with some dignity rather than clinging to his seat and throwing away any loyalty to the party that has supported him for so many years. He probably would have lost in 2004 if it weren't for the support of the RNC and President Bush. Some people will do anything to keep a prestigious Senate even though they are just one out of a hundred people. Guys like Kennedy, Specter and Byrd will cling to their seats until they're in the grave, even if they have brain tumors or are senile.


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