Immigration here and in Europe
Although the attitude of many of the pro-immigrant protestors on Monday was somewhat annoying, I am having a hard time getting worked up about it. The idea that people who sneak into the country illegally and then make all kinds of demands on the rest of us is irritating. However, I have to admit that "Si, se puede" is a pretty positive message. It sure beats "If you insult Islam, we will behead you." Even if the carrying of American flags was calculated to win support and be good PR, it was nice to see them. Generally I think it's good that our economy is creating jobs and people want to come here. There is a limit to how many people the country can handle. In addition, the people who get hurt are likely unskilled poor people whose wages will be kept down by the influx of other low skill workers. I'm not sure though with unemployment at 4.7%, it's causing much harm at the moment.
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