Saturday, December 14, 2013

The big Santa Controversy

I like Ann Althouse's take on the controversy surrounding Megyn Kelly's comments that Santa and Jesus are white. She's right that the critics of Kelly are more erroneous than Kelly was. They keep distorting what she said, adding words like "Northern European" or "blond", which she never used, or making a non sequitur such as saying that someone who looked like the actual Jesus or St Nick would be on a non-fly list. Althouse is much more correct when she points out that "white" is a pretty broad term that encompasses various pigmentations. Althouse says, referring to Jonathan Merritt in The Atlantic:
Yeah, but Megyn Kelly didn't say Jesus had blond hair and blue eyes. Merritt's line is more erroneous, wafting the notion that white people must have light coloring. I'd say there are a lot more white people with dark eyes and dark hair than with blue eyes and blond (or "blondish") hair. So this is a completely screwy attack on Megyn Kelly, and it's actually pretty offensive to go out of your way to say that persons of Semitic ancestry are not white. Why go where Nazis have gone? What's the attraction? Because it's just so important to portray Fox News folk as idiots?
It's usually leftists and liberals who are obsessed with race, not Fox News. A lot of people will distort what is said on Fox in order to demonize, mock and insult Fox. Way to go, Ann.


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