Tuesday, September 09, 2008

More Palin

John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin keeps looking better and better. The attacks on Palin by the left are probably helping the Republican more than anything else. Today on Salon, we have one story comparing her to a dominatrix while another claims that she is no different than Islamic extremists. Both are patently absurd. The claims in the Cole piece arguing that she is like a Muslim fundamentalist are greatly exaggerated and illogical. The story that she banned books is basically false - she never banned a single book although she apparently asked a hypothetical question about removing some books. The list of titles she supposedly tried is censor is a complete fraud. Further, he equates her support for including intelligent design as an alternative in schools with the banning of teaching of evolution in Saudi Arabia. I'm not a fan of ID but obviously there is a huge difference between supporting an alternative to a particular theory and banning the theory altogether. Cole completely ignores this obvious difference.

These unfair and biased (not to mention crackpot) attacks on Palin will probably only serve to cause people to rally around the Alaskan governor. If I were advising Obama I would tell him to do the opposite: praise Palin personally as much as possible and then point out the policy differences.


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