Saturday, February 23, 2008

Heil Hillary

Hillary is becoming more and more unhinged. Here she attacks Barack Obama for having the audacity to criticize her health care plan. He does not have "the right" to attack her for having a universal health care plan because Democrats should not attack each other over "Harry Truman's dream." The main difference between Obama and Clinton is that Clinton wants to force everyone in the country to get health care insurance and to penalize them if they don't. Thus, not only does she want to deny the American citizen freedom to make their own choices about health care but she is saying that is illegitimate for anyone to criticize her for doing so. It's as if she is trying to prove the thesis of Jonah Goldberg's recent book, Liberal Fascism. Plus, she is starting to develop kind of a split personality. The other day at the debate, she gets all emotional and said how honored she was to be there with Barack Obama. Then she says he ought to be ashamed of himself for using Karl Rove like tactics (and accuses him of plagiarism). Its becoming apparent what kind of unhinged autocrat she would try to be as president.


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